Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Post XII: Least Favorite Music Video

It is kind of hard to completely determine what my least favorite music video is, but after much thought I would probably have to say the Feel Good Inc music video by the Gorillaz. I did not really want to have to choose that video because I actually like the song. But I just could not help myself. Something about that video drives me completely insane. I believe that it is the fact that it is animated the way that it is. Something about that animation really gets to me. I just do not like it at all. I never have particularly cared for animated music videos, but out of all the animated music videos that I have seen, Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz is by far the worst of them all. I think that it must have something to do with the fact that the band that is playing in the video is a bunch of animated…things. They do not even look real. I understand that what they are supposed to be are gorillas, or gorillaz, but I really do not think that it is done in a clever or funny way. Hopefully they were not trying to make the video funny because in my mind it definitely was not. It drives me up a wall to see the animated, fake looking gorillas standing up there beating on their instruments. Personally, I like real things. I will admit, I am very practical and I like seeing things the way that they are supposed to be. I do not like stuff that is completely fake and unrealistic. It is just the way that I am. And the thing about this video is that I have tried to like it. Because like I already said, I like the song a lot, and so I wanted to at least make an attempt to like the music video. But I failed miserably. I can’t help it. It’s just too unreal for me.

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